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"In touch with..."

Museum of contemporary art / curators: Katarina Krstic and Senka Ristivojevic

Interpretation of the work "Light, shape and a butterfly" Ivan Tabakovic 

84,5x104x40cm  2019.


The exhibition "In touch with..." includes twelve works from the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art which are followed by their interpretations intended for blind and partially sighted people, and which were realized by students from the Department of Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

The idea of ​​this installation is to present the feeling of tenderness that this painting evokes in the viewer with the help of different materials and aromas. Each material aims to associate the feeling that certain colors evoke in us, so for example red is represented by a surface that is warm to the touch, while yellow is represented by a soft material with a vanilla aroma. A not immediately noticeable detail in this picture is the butterfly and its unexpected presence is important. It was made of silk and hung not far from the rest of the work.

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