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"In touch with..."

Museum of contemporary art / curators: Katarina Krstic and Senka Ristivojevic

Interpretation of the work "Charms of war" Radomir Reljic (realized in collaboration with Filip Djukic)

130x70x30cm  2019.


The exhibition "In touch with..." includes twelve works from the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art which are followed by their interpretations intended for blind and partially sighted people, and which were realized by students from the Department of Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

It was decided that this sculpture would be made in the form of a bust, the heart-shaped gaping whiteness is represented by a hollow on the chest, while the target on the face is embossed with a metal gunpoint in the middle. There is silicone on the face, where the scars are. In addition to these different materials, the rest of the surface is also treated differently in relation to what it represents. In this way, we tried to present the essence of the image in a tactile way.

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